Ryobi‌ ‌P505‌ ‌vs‌ ‌P506

Below I will compare the power, portability, and features of the Ryobi‌ ‌P505‌ ‌and ‌P506‌

Difference between Ryobi‌ ‌P505‌ ‌and ‌P506‌

The technical summary sheet for Ryobi‌ ‌P505‌ ‌and ‌P506‌

Ryobi One P505 18V...
Ryobi P506 One+ Lithium...
Ryobi P505
Ryobi P506
12.5 x 10.6 x 10.4 inches
12 x 8 x 12 inches
5.3 pounds
2.2 pounds
Power Source
Battery Powered
Battery Powered
4700 RPM
4700 RPM
Blade Length
5.5 Inches
5.5 Inches
User Rating
Ryobi One P505 18V...
Ryobi P505
12.5 x 10.6 x 10.4 inches
5.3 pounds
Power Source
Battery Powered
4700 RPM
Blade Length
5.5 Inches
User Rating
More Info
Ryobi P506 One+ Lithium...
Ryobi P506
12 x 8 x 12 inches
2.2 pounds
Power Source
Battery Powered
4700 RPM
Blade Length
5.5 Inches
User Rating
More Info

Design Comparison

Well, from the look, you can only spot minor differences. And it is true! If you use one of the two, you can say you have also used the other one. Ryobi P505 and P506 basically can be considered as the same machine with insignificant changes and variances compared to each other.

The two units have quite similar dimension specs: 13.4 x 8.8 x 7.7 inches of the P505 compared to 12 x 8 x 12 inches of the P506. Both are from the ONE+ family which uses the same 18V lithium-ion battery. The only difference is that P506 is significantly lighter, only 2.1 pounds which are not even half of the P505 weight – 5.3 pounds

Yet, the aesthetic aspect doesn’t really matter as the utility of these power tools, even though I expect more differences to distinguish. Just know that at different price points, you’re getting quite similar value.

Ryobi One P505 Circular Saw
Ryobi One P505 Circular Saw

Power Comparison

This isn’t easy. Regarding performance, the P505 and P506 are equal. They both utilize the 18V motor and have the same range of accessories from the ONE+ family of Ryobi. Any Ryobi 18V power supplies will work with these units.

Since using a similar engine, the two circular saws can reach up to 4700 RPM unloaded. Not too impressive compared to those from DeWALT or Black & Decker, but it is enough to create a neat and precise cut.

It seems that this is a draw.

Ryobi P506 Circular Saw
Ryobi P506 Circular Saw

Features Comparison

Blade and Adjustments: Ryobi P505 and P506 feature a unique blade size in the market: 5-1/2 inches. Usually, portable circular saw manufacturers would use the blade size ranging from 6-1/2 inches to 8-1/4 inches.

The size doesn’t translate into a weaker or shallower cut; it only means you’ll be in trouble to find a replacement. You might have to pass by several hardware stores before you can get the right one or purchase online and wait days for shipment. That would not be very pleasant when you’re in the middle of work.

Ryobi P505 and P506 can bevel up to 50 degrees, which is versatile enough for a small blade saw. At a 90-degree angle, both can produce a 1-9/16 inches deep cut and 1-1/8 inches at 45 degrees. Shallow, but quite reasonable for a 5.5 inches blade.

After all, we cannot give an exact conclusion on who the winner is, depending on the user’s feelings.

Quick Rundown Of Ryobi P505

Ryobi P505 Circular Saw
  • GRIPZONE OVERMOLD: The handles of this power tool are lined with a rubber mold. This increases friction between your hands and the tool, improving handling in most conditions
  • TRANSPARENT LOWER GUARD: The polyurethane blade guard is clear, so you can get maximum visibility on your work while you make your cuts
  • ADJUSTABLE BEVEL: You can adjust the foot of this cordless circular saw up to 50 degrees to cut at a variety of angles for different applications
  • EXTRA SIDE HANDLE gives you improved control. Its location on the left side of the tool gives you greater visibility over your cuts while you work
  • ONE+ COMPATIBLE: The circular saw works with Ryobi’s 18 Volt batteries. These battery models include the P100, P102, P103, P104, P105, P107, and P108 (Batteries not included)
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Compact size
Powerful motor
Durable carbide-tipped blade
Ergonomic design[/i2pros][i2cons]No laser/LED guide
No battery included

Quick Rundown Of Ryobi P506

Ryobi P506 Circular Saw
  • EASY GRIP: Rubber overmold makes it easy for you to grip and control this tool, even in slippery conditions
  • LASER GUIDE: The tool generates a red line on the work surface in front of the saw upon the tool’s activation, letting you see where you’re working
  • ADJUSTMENT: Easy-access knobs let you adjust your depth up to 1 9/16 inches and your beveling angle from 0 to 50 degrees
  • ONE+ COMPATIBLE: This tool is compatible with many Ryobi battery, including the P100, P101, P102, P103, P104, P105, P107, and P108
  • INCLUDED BLADE AND BLADE WRENCH: A 5 1/2 inch blade, tipped with carbide to reduce corrosion and wear, is included. The wrench used to remove the blade is included in a slot on the tool
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Lightweight
Powerful motor
The quick blade release system
Ergonomic design[/i2pros][i2cons]No battery included
Weak shoe


The Ryobi P506 is slightly more convenient than the P505 but comes with a bit higher price. Yet, both have a user-friendly design, are affordable, and reliable for DIY and home projects. In this battle of Ryobi P505 vs P506, I would incline toward the P506 for the laser guide as it is worth the extra money.

The battery can be a problem stopping you from buying a circular saw from Ryobi if you don’t have any other products from the same ONE+ family. In case you have joined in the line, don’t hesitate to pick up either the P505 or P506, as they are all cross-compatible in terms of power supply.