Festool Domino DF500 Vs DF700

Below I will compare the power, portability, and features of the Festool Domino DF500 and XL DF700

Difference between Festool Domino DF500 and XL DF700

Festool 574432 Domino...
Festool 574447 XL DF 700...
Festool Domino DF500
Festool Domino XL DF700
15.5 x 11.5 x 6.4 inches
16.5 x 11.5 x 11.5 inches
24300 RPM
21000 RPM
Power consumption:
420 watts
720 watts
User Rating
Festool 574432 Domino...
Festool Domino DF500
15.5 x 11.5 x 6.4 inches
24300 RPM
Power consumption:
420 watts
User Rating
More Info
Festool 574447 XL DF 700...
Festool Domino XL DF700
16.5 x 11.5 x 11.5 inches
21000 RPM
Power consumption:
720 watts
User Rating
More Info

Design Comparison

At first impression, you can notice that Festool Domino 500 vs 700 are quite compact.

In more detail, the former weighs around 7 pounds and has dimensions of 15.5 x 11.5 x 6.4 inches. On the other hand, the latter is 4.46 heavier than its counterpart and measures 16.5 x 11.5 x 11.5 inches in sizes.

Hence, you will surely find Festool Domino 500 more convenient for maneuverability.

Festool Domino DF500 Joiner
Festool Domino DF500 Joiner

Power Comparison

We have to emphasize that these machines have gone through a fierce battle to be the better version in terms of motor power.

Festool domino 500 packs around 420 watts of power consumption and up to 24300 RPM of a cutter spindle speed. This engine is so powerful that you can undertake a variety of projects at a very fast pace.

However, the 700 models have proved itself to be a competitive candidate in this comparison. It comes with a robust motor, which consumes 720 watts and rotates at 21000 RPM.

As such, we will incline toward the Festool domino DF500 product as it delivers loads of power that can serve various tasks well.

Festool 574447 XL DF700 Domino Joiner
Festool 574447 XL DF700 Domino Joiner

Features Comparison

Compared to design and motors, Festool Domino 500 vs 700 share many other features in common.

For instance, both are designed with a unique and patented routing principle that is able to rotate and oscillate. As a result, you can make perfect, clean mortises all the time.

At the same time, a mortise width adjustment with a dial turn contributes significantly to ease of adjustment when you are joining the panels.

It will be our big mistake if we miss out on the flexible pivoting fence. This feature creates some angled mortises from 0 to 90 degrees along with three positive stops at 22.5, 45, and 67.5 degrees in turn. Rest assured that it will support you a lot in your workshop.

Besides, you must praise its great depth control. It guarantees you a quick and accurate adjustment for five different mortising depths. Thus, you can select the desired size of the tenon for your works.

Importantly, what makes the 700 device outshines its rival is that it offers large tenons of up to 5-1/2-inch to perform well in wide-scale woodworking tasks.

A full package of both these two jointers often consists of a jointer with the cutter, a wrench, support bracket, a plug-in power cord, and a sustainer.

Quick Rundown Of Festool Domino DF500

Festool Domino DF500 Joiner
  • NOTE: The DF 500 only come with the 5MM cutter which is installed.
  • Unique, patented cutting action that rotates and oscillates to create perfect, clean, and repeatable mortises every time.
  • Mortise width adjustment with the turn of a dial allows for easier alignment when joining panels.
  • Pivoting Fence allows you to create angled mortises from 0-90° with positive stops at 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°.
  • Indexing pins for quick alignment against the edge of the workpiece for accurate placement. Hose port diameter: 1.06 inch
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]High spindle speed
Extremely lightweight and portable
Mortise width adjustment
Offers angled mortises
Adjusts the depth well[/i2pros][i2cons]Limited power for small tasks[/i2cons][/i2pc]
>>> Read Customer Reviews: Here
>>> Read Customer Reviews: Here

Quick Rundown Of Festool Domino XL DF700

Festool 574447 XL DF700 Domino Joiner
  • Unique, patented cutting action that rotates and oscillates to create perfect, clean, and repeatable mortises every time
  • Mortise width adjustment with the turn of a dial allows for easier alignment when joining panels
  • Indexing pins for quick alignment against the edge of the work piece for accurate placement
  • Tenons up to approximately 5-1/2-Inch in length for large scale projects
  • Includes optional trim and cross stops for narrow stock and edge joining.Power Consumption:420 watts
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Really hefty motor
Works well in large-scale projects
Helpful depth and width control
Has a pivoting fence
Large tenons[/i2pros][i2cons]Quite bulky and burdensome[/i2cons][/i2pc]
>>> Read Customer Reviews: Here
>>> Read Customer Reviews: Here


It is not an exaggeration to say that Festool Domino 500 vs 700 are great jointers that will not let you down.

If you expect a product for heavy-duty projects, we highly recommend that you should go for Festool 574447 XL DF 700. Otherwise, let’s end up buying the other one in case you have to deal with smaller works.

Remember to consider all the factors carefully first. Good luck with your ultimate choice.