Dewalt DCF610S2 Vs DCF815S2

Dewalt DCF610S2 vs DCF815S2. How can you choose the better one? No worries, our in-depth review is going to cover you with the comparison, pros, and cons of each category. Let’s kick in!

The Winner (#1)
DEWALT 12V MAX Impact...
The Runner-up (#2)
DEWALT 12V MAX Cordless...
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The Winner (#1)
DEWALT 12V MAX Impact...
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The Runner-up (#2)
DEWALT 12V MAX Cordless...
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Differences Between Dewalt DCF610S2 Vs DCF815S2

Although both the Dewalt DCF610S2 vs DCF815S2 are made from the same brand and serve the purpose of mechanical usage, there are some notable differences in price range, properties, and durability.


Talking about price, these mighty guys might prove to be two big names on a score draw match.

Both are fully equipped with built-in accessories and protective packages. In short, they’re simply too good to be sold at under $200.

However, there is a slightly higher difference in the price of the DCF815S2, due to its delicate and versatile properties when fastening and detaching things.


To make the act of comparing these two categories easier, you need to understand why the merchandisers have split them into two clear lines, which are respectively screwdrivers and impact drivers.

Most of us are more familiar with screwdrivers, because they’re cheap, easily and widely used for attaching screws. But screwdrivers can only help with tasks that don’t require much time and power.

I would say this is definitely born for female workers on home/routine construction projects.

Meanwhile, impact drivers are of great assistance when working with complex DIY tasks or big maintenance that need a lot of physical power. In other words, it’s specifically engineered to drive tough screws.

For instance, when you use a DCF610S2 screwdriver, it would stop right when hitting against the depth of the woods or whatever you’re working into.

But what happens to the DCF815F2 impact driver is that it uses bit rotation and concussive blows, which means you can drive deep into the thickest or hardest woods.

This point can be proved with their specific figures on maximum torques, being about 375 and 1400 pounds of torques respectively.


These two guys are battery-powered with 12V MAX* lithium battery pack, which would last quite a long time during your workload, plus they get recharged pretty fast. And after that, you can always you bare-tool. How convenient!

The Dewalt brand also added a three-year limited guarantee, a one-year free service term, and a 90-day refund on both the DCF610S2 and the DCF815S2. All traded for your satisfaction.

Quick Rundown Of Dewalt DCF610S2

DEWALT DCF610S2 12-Volt Max 1/4-Inch
  • Compact, lightweight design of the cordless screwdriver fits into tight areas
  • 3 LEDs of the rechargeable screwdriver provide light and increased visibility without shadows
  • One-handed loading 1/4-inch hex chuck of the powered screwdriver accepts 1-inch bit tips
  • Belt hook included for portability


  • A 2.12-pound lightweight body
  • User-friendly features
  • Compact design with three fitted LEDs
  • Easily connected with adapters or sockets
  • Quick charging time with long-lasting battery volume
  • Three-year limited warranty


  • Not sufficiently strong for strenuous tasks
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Quick Review Of Dewalt DCF815S2

DEWALT DCF815S2 12-Volt Max 1/4-Inch
  • Compact, lightweight design of DEWALT impact driver fits into tight areas
  • 3 LED lights of the cordless impact driver provide visibility without shadows
  • One-handed loading 1/4-inch hex chuck accepts 1-inch bit tips
  • Belt hook included for portability

And these are the quick heads-up about the DCF815S2 impact driver.


  • A 2.3-pound lightweight body
  • A radially-mounted LED for better visibility
  • Fast charging time (about one hour at best)
  • An included set of other components
  • Can work on any tough surface (i.e tractor or wood)


  • Requires a certain amount of experience to use perfectly
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I bet at this point you’ve pretty much had the idea of how the Dewalt DCF610S2 vs DCF8512s2 work, haven’t you? As for me, personally speaking, I would opt for the Dewalt DCF8512s2 impact driver, because of its comparative compactness and effortless use.

But it’s your own discretion to decide. Choose wisely!