Concrete cutting – Types of saw blades to choose

Every beginner is likely to be stunned with a vast number of kinds of saw blades and the use of each. But don’t worry. Here we will tell you some useful information that you have to know to find out a suitable blade for cutting concrete.

There are plenty of different materials, but for a circular saw, blades specialized for cutting concrete, we just need to concentrate on the following two main types:

  • Diamond Blades.
  • Masonry Abrasive Blades

Now, we will analyze the benefits and drawbacks of each of them so that you can know what the more suitable choice for your own case is.

1. Diamond Blades.

The diamond blades are the top-rated type of blades and better than masonry abrasive blades. Almost everyone knows that the diamond is the hardest and most expensive material on earth.

Don’t mistake that these blades are completely made from diamonds. In fact, only their teeth are composited from diamonds and other reinforcing metal.

However, these compositions are enough to keep the blades strong and sustainable. A diamond blade can last for years and years, so its high price turns out to be not too costly.

Also, the proven stiffness of diamond blades ensures your concrete cutting projects to be finished smoothly, especially if you are a professional user who has to deal with rugged concrete blocks.

You may have encountered the word “wet/dry cutting blades”. Actually, they are diamond blades that are specially designed to alleviate the heat of the blade when cutting through concrete.

Wet diamond circular saw blade.

This is the preeminent choice for you if you can add a low water stream while you are performing the cut. Then, water will lubricate your diamond saw blade as well as obviate the amount of silica dust giving off during your concrete cutting projects.

Dry diamond circular saw blade.

Unlike wet models, the dry cutting blades reduce the heat efficiently thanks to their segmented teeth. In spite of their long life span, they generate a lot of silica dust when cutting concrete. If you utilize this kind of blade, wear a dust mask or a respirator.

BEST Diamond Blades

2. Masonry Abrasive Blades

A masonry abrasive cutting blade is an affordable choice for the poor. As a rule of thumb, these cheap products come with lower quality than expensive diamond blades.

They can cut concrete, but very slowly, and they are going to wear out extremely quickly.

In short:

If you are just going to do the concrete cutting jobs for some time, the cheap masonry abrasive blade is enough and economical.
On the contrary, opt for the premium diamond blades if you are a professional concrete cutter and have many projects to do.
Solely use the wet diamond cutting blade if you own a specialized saw coming with special parts to add a stream of water to the saw blade throughout the cut.

Best Masonry Abrasive Blades